Tori Roloff and Zach Roloff have Little People, Big World fans thinking they are ignoring their kids’ safety. Their kids are getting older and becoming more adventurous. Should they be more cautious when letting their kids play in their backyard?
Little People, Big World: Zach & Tori Roloff Watch Kids Play
Tori Roloff and Zach Roloff’s kids are getting older. As they grow up, they are becoming more independent and willing to try new things. So, they have a lot of fun toys to play with in their backyard. He feels that their backyard sees more action these days. They enjoy spending more time out there instead of being inside.
The Little People, Big World cast member feels that his kids would always play with water tables when they were younger. But now that they are older, they have switched from riding scooters to driving battery-operated jeeps. Zach feels like his children will be driving gas-powered go-carts next.
Tori & Zach Roloff Think Son Is Reckless
Tori feels her son, Jackson, is reckless when he drives his jeep. She gets nervous when she sees him drive around. It also stresses her out. However, she knows that her kids are only having fun. And Tori likes watching them have fun.
Zach feels that Jackson is the complete opposite of how he was as a kid. The Little People, Big World reality star wasn’t as daring as his son is. However, riding around in a battery-operated jeep is nothing new for him. He grew up riding around his family’s farm in a quad. So, he wants his kids to have a similar upbringing.
However, Zach admits that he and Tori no longer go to the family farm. He and his father, Matt Roloff, aren’t on the best of terms. But he doesn’t feel the need to go to the farm. Their kids love playing in their backyard. So they don’t ask to go to the farm. He doesn’t think they miss it. But will they stay away from the farm for good?

Little People, Big World Fans Worry about Kids’ Safety
Zach Roloff and Tori Roloff love seeing their kids have fun in their backyard. However, some fans feel that they are ignoring their kids’ safety. One person points out that they let their kids “drive around with no helmet on.” Another person finds it “surprising” that Jackson and Lilah “didn’t have a helmet on.” A person also says it would “make them nervous” seeing their kids ride around without a helmet on.
However, many Little People, Big World fans don’t see the issue with Tori and Zach’s not making their kids wear helmets. One person says they don’t know “a single parent who makes their kids wear a helmet while driving a battery-operated jeep on the grass.” Another person feels that “it is up to the parents whether their kids have to wear a helmet or not.” Should Zach and Tori make their kids wear a helmet?
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