In its second week at the box office, Shahid Kapoor-Kriti Sanon starrer Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya continued to draw audiences, showcasing a decent hold despite new releases vying for viewers’ attention. The film kicked off its second week with a promising Rs. 3 crores on Friday. The weekend saw a significant uptick in collections, with Saturday raking in Rs. 5 crore, followed by a robust Sunday at Rs. 6 crore, indicating the film’s strong appeal and positive word of mouth.
As weekdays commenced, the film naturally experienced a dip, yet maintained a steady pace with Monday’s collections at Rs. 2 crore. The following days saw a slight decrement with Tuesday at Rs. 1.9 crore, Wednesday at Rs. 1.8 crore, and Thursday closing the week at Rs. 1.6 crore. By the end of its second week, Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya has amassed a total of Rs. 63.27 crore, a commendable feat that underscores the film’s success and the audience’s approval. This performance not only highlights the film’s ability to resonate with viewers but also reflects the strong storytelling and cinematic execution that have become hallmarks of this captivating drama.
As Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya continues its theatrical run, it remains to be seen how it fares against upcoming releases and whether it can sustain its box office momentum in the weeks to come.