Little People, Big World star Matt Roloff walks away puffed up and proud after a kind deed, but Caryn Chandler lets the air out of his sails on the new season of the TLC series.
In a strange turn of events, the LPBW patriarch seemed to make an altruistic move. It was a stunner to his ex-wife, Amy Roloff, for sure, who sat and listened to him talk. But after the dust settles, the story changes a bit when Caryn starts telling it.
Little People, Big World: Caryn Chandler Accompanies Matt Roloff on Gift-Giving Mission
The headlines report that Matt Roloff handed over the farm to Amy Roloff. While that is semi-correct, there’s a disclaimer that comes along with that from the Little People, Big World star.
Matt has to die first before the farm transfers over to his ex-wife. What he and Caryn Chandler sat down to tell Amy and Chris Marek was if Matt Roloff died before Amy, any part of the farm that he still owns would go to her, the mother of his kids.
Matt Roloff did all the talking, Caryn Chandler didn’t say anything about it while in the company of his ex-wife and her husband, Chris. Matt Roloff did his presentation of his gift to Amy Roloff. But all Caryn did was very slightly nod her head as if she agreed with her future husband.
Chris was hard to read in this clip from Little People, Big World. But some fans suggested that he looked a bit perturbed. Amy didn’t know what to say to her ex as her quiet mode seemed to indicate she was stunned.
LPBW: Matt Offers Reason for Will Revision
The Little People, Big World patriarch continued with his decision on the farm. Matt said his decision to leave the farm to his ex was the only thing to do as “otherwise, it’s too complicated.”
Matt Roloff stunned his ex with this offering, she struggled trying to find the words to describe how she felt about this. But she settled on just saying “It’s crazy” when sitting by herself in front of the LPBW camera.
Matt reveals that he will leave the farm to Amy?! Tune in to the season premiere of #LPBW on Tuesday, February 20 at 9/8c, to see her reaction to this surprising news. pic.twitter.com/zYoNjrmNGa
— TLC Network (@TLC) February 19, 2024
So, it looked like this was all about Matt being fair and caring. But that thought didn’t last too long for fans. It wasn’t until Caryn Chandler had her say that things that changed the story from how he first presented it.
Little People Big World: Caryn Shakes Her Finger at Matt
Caryn Chandler looks as if she feels slighted during her future husband’s presentation about making his ex-wife his beneficiary for anything farm-related. But Caryn isn’t put out by Matt Roloff leaving her this, no…
When Caryn gets in front of the Little People, Big World camera later, she points her finger at her fiancé and gives him a piece of her mind. It seems it’s Caryn’s idea to leave everything to Amy, except for their Arizona home.

Caryn Chandler seems to burst Matt’s bubble after riding high on his gesture of goodwill toward his ex. She did that by turning to Matt and sternly stating, “I had the idea.” He chuckled and agreed that she did suggest he leave everything to his ex-wife.
Caryn also went into a spiel that she doesn’t want to lay claim to anything that the Little People, Big World family built together before she came on the scene. All she wants is their Arizona home, which is theirs together.
So, there you have it, Matt was riding high for a little while until Caryn set the story straight. For some reason, Caryn Chandler needed to take credit for Matt Roloff bequeathing the farm to his ex. But those dynamics soon play out when Little People, Big World Season 25 rolls out Tuesday, February 20, at 9 pm on TLC.
Head back to Soap Dirt for the latest on Little People, Big World.
The post Little People, Big World: Caryn Slams Matt Over Farm appeared first on Soap Dirt.