Deepika Padukone, who was last seen in Fighter, left her fans enthralled when she and her superstar-husband Ranveer Singh announced the arrival of their first child on Thursday. The couple, who are quite popular on social media, shared this news on the platform which left DeepVeer fans super excited. Now as they gear up to enter the new phase of their life, they made a special public appearance at the Mumbai airport.
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh arrived at the Mumbai airport on Thursday evening where they received a small surprise from their fans. After the couple announced their pregnancy, the thrilled fans decided to congratulate them in person and showered them with love but they also presented them bouquet and distributed sweets to celebrate the news of their parenthood. Paparazzi account shared several videos capturing these sweet moments of DeepVeer with their fans. The two stars were seen twinning in their white ensembles with the actress opting for a loose top to be more comfortable with her baby bump.
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If reports are to be believed, Deepika Padukone is in her second trimester. Earlier today in the post shared by the actors, they revealed that the actress is due for delivery in September.
On the work front, Deepika Padukone will be introduced as Lady Singham in the much-talked copverse film Singham Again, which is being created by Rohit Shetty. Interestingly, it will also feature her husband Ranveer Singh as Simmba in a pivotal role, along with Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff too in extended cameos. Besides them, it will star Ajay Devgn, Kareena Kapoor Khan, and Arjun Kapoor in lead roles. Speaking of Ranveer, the actor also has Kiara Advani starrer Don 3 in the pipeline.
Also Read: Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh to welcome their first child; due in September