The trailer of Crakk was unveiled today at a multiplex in Mumbai. As it happens with events nowadays, it started almost two hours late but thankfully, the team of the film made it worth it with their quotes and anecdotes. The launch was attended by Vidyut Jammwal, Arjun Rampal, Nora Fatehi, producer Abbas Sayyed and director Aditya Datt. The film is based on the lines of The Hunger Games and Squid Game and Aditya was asked about it. The director gave an interesting reply to this answer.
He said, “Just for the record, I made Table No 21 (2013) before Squid Game. It came in 2013 and was a game-related film. It was new for its time because these live gaming shows came much later. Even The Hunger Games came after that.”
Aditya continued, “As for action, I got into it with Commando 3 (2019). Earlier, I was more into drama and thrillers. And I just wanted to bring the world together. As kids, we have seen films like Enter The Dragon, Mortal Kombat, etc. I wanted to narrate such stories keeping the Indian audience in mind. That was very important for me. The narration shouldn’t be alien for the audience that we are catering to. I am not trying to make a Hollywood film. I am making a pure, Hindustani movie. The narrative has to be simplified and keeping that in mind, I have brought the gaming world and action world together. Now, the audience in our country, from a rickshaw wallah to the one flying the plane is ready for it because their horizons have opened.”
Aditya also revealed how action director Federico Cueva from Spain chickened out when he realized that Vidyut Jammwal wanted to do the cycle stunt on the bridge himself. The jaw-dropping shot appears at the very end of the trailer of Crakk.
Aditya Datt raised laughed as he narrated, “Abroad, there’s a policy where the actors majorly don’t do their stunts, apart from Tom Cruise. He takes the risk as it’s his production just like how VJ (Vidyut) has produced Crakk. It’s his risk. He’s putting his life at stake. It’s not like leading actors can’t do it but there are too many careers involved. So much has been invested and hence, it’s a risk. But actors like Vidyut, Tom Cruise and Jackie Chan do their own stunts. That’s their belief. If it’s taken away from them, then they are not doing what they love. VJ and I have known each other a little bit and I knew that if he was saying that he could do it, I had that faith in him.”
Aditya then said, “Vidyut went on the bridge. My action director from Spain came and asked, ‘Who’s going up?’. I replied, ‘Vidyut is going up’. He said, ‘No, no, no! I am not shooting!’.”
He further stated, “We took 100% safety and precautions. But I wish I could show you the BTS of the crew reacting while we were filming the sequence. The Spain action director walked away saying, ‘I am not taking the risk. You are shooting it’. Later, when he saw the first take of VJ, he came running back and said, ‘Ok, we’ll shoot it. He can do it’!”
Also Read: Crakk trailer launch: Vidyut Jammwal BREAKS silence on his nude jungle photos: “Mauka mile toh kapde utaar ke waqt bitao. I do it every year, be it for 15 days or a month”