On 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way, Sarper Guven snaps when Shekinah Garner gets upset about him training a female client and sucks on a lollipop for revenge. Fans were outraged when he weighed her to be sure she was at the size he prefers. So now it seems he’ll be counting her calories too.
90 Day Fiance: The Other Way – Sarper Guven Breaks the Rules at the Gym
So far, Sarper Guven hasn’t kept the promises he made to Shekinah once she moved to Turkey. She wanted hm to buy a new bed since his has seen a lot of action. Instead, she chose to sleep on the couch. He wants her to weigh in at 128 pounds. And scoffed when she weighed in at just 4 pounds over the mark. Next up, the couple fought over social media. She was upset when he only chose to feature her in an Instagram story, which is temporary.
Sarper decides to do a seductive dance to charm Shekinah. He dons a construction outfit and slinks around. She laughs but admits she finds him charming and sexy. The pair get ready to head to the gym to work out together. He works as a personal trainer at the gym. And mentions he’ll be training a client when they arrive. Shekinah is eager to see the gym and observe Sarper’s personal training style.
Sir, keep your day job…whatever that may be🥴 #90DayFiance #90dayfiancetheotherway pic.twitter.com/Kym6SDKCKz
— Gino’s Sandals (@Kimmnng) October 3, 2023
90 Day Fiance: Sarper Snaps over Sweets
The couple arrive at the gym to start the workout. But Sarper Guven is quick to dismiss Shekinah when his personal training client shows up. Shekinah had requested that he abstain from training female clients. So, she is even more shocked when he greets an attractive female client with a kiss on each cheek. Sarper jumps into the training session with his client. But Shekinah interrupts and pulls him aside for a word.
On 90 Day Fiance, Sarper is encouraging to his client and ends the session with a high five. He waffles a little when the client wants to schedule the next session. Sarper notices that Shekinah isn’t around. He tracks her to the women’s locker room.
“Go ahead. Slap this outta my mouth” 🙄 #90dayfiancetheotherway pic.twitter.com/qhEHxMba4k
— Mama Black Widow (@Mama_Blackwidow) October 3, 2023
He calls to her to come out. But she asks that he come in. He objects since it’s a ladies changing room. But goes in anyway and finds her sitting on a bench licking an orange lollipop.
Sarper Guven is angry. He doesn’t understand why Shekinah blew off her workout to eat candy. She blames it on the female client. He tells her she’s being a b*tch. It is his job to train clients. But she reminds him they discussed him not training women. Much less kissing them on the cheek. Sarper leads her out of the locker room. And grabs the sucker out of her mouth and smashes it onto the floor.
TLC Couple Sarper and Shekinah Fight over His Work
Sarper and Shekinah continue to fight on 90 Day Fiance. She doesn’t understand why he has to train female clients. He explains that ninety percent of his clients are female. Because men in Turkey typically like to work out on their own. She is very shocked to hear this. And brings up him kissing the woman on the cheek. Sarper suggests this is cultural and acceptable. Shekinah says it isn’t that way in America.
She also suggests since he’s dating an American girl, he should follow her rules. Sarper tells her he has to make money and that this is the way it is. Shekinah isn’t satisfied with that reasoning. She doesn’t seem to be able to accept that his work will require him to interact with other females. But not doing that would mean losing the majority of his clients at the gym. So it could mean ultimately having to choose between his relationship or his work.
Catch up on all the latest on 90 Day Fiance right here on Soap Dirt.
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