Zebra is reportedly set to make its digital debut on the streaming platform Aha. Directed by Eashvar Karthic, the Telugu-language financial thriller had its theatrical release on November 22, 2024 and received mixed-to-positive reviews. As per multiple reports, the film might be available for streaming from December 20, 2024. While an official statement from the makers is awaited, this OTT premiere has generated anticipation among fans who missed the theatrical screening.
When and Where to Watch Zebra
The Telugu action thriller Zebra is reported to premiere on Aha on December 20, 2024, as per reports. The OTT rights for the film were secured by Aha for a reported sum of Rs. 5 crore, marking a notable milestone for Satyadev’s career. Fans of the genre and lead actors can expect a gripping story delivered through Aha’s platform.
Official Trailer and Plot of Zebra
The trailer of Zebra, unveiled by Megastar Chiranjeevi, hinted at a high-stakes heist narrative. Satyadev portrays Surya, a bank employee striving to lead a peaceful life with his girlfriend, Swathi, played by Priya Bhavani Shankar. The plot unfolds when a banking error disrupts his plans, resulting in ₹5 crore being mysteriously credited to his account. This draws the attention of Adi, a criminal played by Daali Dhananjaya, setting off a series of suspenseful events.
Cast and Crew of Zebra
Zebra was produced by Bala Sundaram, S.N. Reddy, and Dinesh Sundaram under Old Town Pictures and Padmaja Films Pvt Ltd. Alongside Satyadev and Daali Dhananjaya, the film features Sathyaraj, Priya Bhavani Shankar, Amrutha Iyengar, Sunil Verma, and Kalyani Natarajan in key roles. Eashvar Karthic helmed the project, with cinematography by Sathya Ponmar and music composed by Ravi Basrur.
Reception of Zebra
The film opened to mostly positive responses in theatres, with viewers praising its heist-centric storyline. The movie has an IMDb rating of 8.6 / 10. The film’s OTT rights fetched a record sum for Satyadev, reflecting significant market interest. Fans are eager to see how Zebra performs in the digital space.