Parineeti Chopra has been in the news after she got married to politician Raghav Chadha in Udaipur on September 24. It was in the beginning of 2023 when both were spotted together at a restaurant in Mumbai that reports came in that they were seeing each other. Soon, they announced their engagement followed by their wedding. Their wedding pictures and videos became a huge talking point on social media. Less than two weeks after tying the knot, Parineeti Chopra will have a theatrical release, Mission Raniganj. It reunites her with her Kesari (2019) co-star Akshay Kumar.
Bollywood Hungama has learned that the actress has an extended special appearance in the film. A source told Bollywood Hungama, “The film is about a group of miners stuck in a mine. Time is running out and they need to be rescued before they perish. In such a scenario, the makers had to focus on the principal track to keep the interest and tension levels high. Hence, there’s very little focus on Parineeti Chopra’s track. Her screen time is around 10 minutes.”
The source, however, maintained, “But hers is a crucial character. And the makers were keen to have a strong performer like Parineeti Chopra for the part. She also understood the importance of her character and willingly came on board.”
An industry insider made an interesting observation, “Before Mission Raniganj, Akshay Kumar and Parineeti Chopra worked together on Kesari. In both films, Akshay played a sardar and in both movies, Parineeti’s role was akin to that of a cameo.”
Mission Raniganj is directed by Tinu Suresh Desai of Rustom (2016) fame. It is inspired by a real-life incident involving the late mining engineer Jaswant Singh Gill and how he rescued 65 miners trapped in a coal mine in West Bengal’s Raniganj in November 1989. It releases on October 6.
Also Read: Akshay Kumar and Parineeti Chopra’s mesmerizing chemistry revives classic romance in ‘Keemti’ from Mission Raniganj; watch