Samsung Galaxy SmartTag was launched in January 2021 at the Galaxy Unpacked event. The company has now announced the release of its successor, the Galaxy SmartTag2, which is scheduled to make a global debut on October 11. It is claimed to offer up to 700 days of battery life, almost twice as much as the previous Galaxy SmartTag models. It comes in a ring-shaped design with an IP67 water and sun resistance rating. The Galaxy SmartTag2 works within the 120-metre range with Bluetooth connectivity.
Samsung unveiled its Galaxy SmartTag2 on Thursday, more than two years after it launched the Galaxy SmartTag. The new ring-shaped device will be released globally on October 11. It claims to offer new tracking features over its predecessor. The smart tag device can be used to keep a check on valuable items or also to keep track of your pets.
It gets a new Lost Mode feature that lets users add their contact information with the help of a text message. On finding the lost tag, an item or a lost pet, anyone can scan the Galaxy SmartTag2 and will receive the information of the owner. The feature works on all mobile devices with an NFC reader and web browser.
The company has also provided some updates to the Compass View feature, making it easier to track directions with the help of allows. The feature is available for access on any UWB-supported Galaxy smartphone. Samsung has also made improvements to the SmartThings Find app, as users can add a shortcut to the application on their smartphone. It provides a full-screen map view as well as an enhanced interface.
In terms of battery, the Galaxy SmartTag2 offers 700 days of battery life on power-saving mode, while it lasts for 500 days on normal mode. This is double the amount of battery life that was offered on previous Galaxy SmartTag models. It comes with an IP67 rating for water and dust resistance.