The Malayalam children’s film Pallotty 90’s Kids, which garnered critical acclaim and multiple accolades, is scheduled to make its digital debut this December. Directed by Jithin Raj, the film was honoured at the 53rd Kerala State Film Awards with the Best Children’s Film award, alongside other recognitions. Set in the nostalgic backdrop of 1990s Kerala, the movie intricately explores childhood friendships and the charm of simpler times.
When and Where to Watch Pallotty 90’s Kids
According to announcements made by Manorama Max, Pallotty 90’s Kids will be available on their platform starting December 18, 2024. Viewers will be able to enjoy the film in Malayalam, with English subtitles available. The film, which has already captivated audiences in cinemas, promises to extend its reach to a wider audience through its OTT release.
Official Trailer and Plot of Pallotty 90’s Kids
The trailer of Pallotty 90’s Kids offers a heartwarming glimpse into the lives of two primary school students, Unni and Kannan, played by Davinchi Santhosh and Neeraj Krishna. The story begins with an adult Unni, portrayed by Arjun Ashokan, visiting his hometown and reconnecting with his childhood friend, Kannan, played by Balu Varghese. Their reunion sparks memories of their youthful adventures, capturing the essence of camaraderie and nostalgia. The narrative beautifully transports viewers to the vibrant 1990s, highlighting cultural nuances and the enduring bond of friendship.
Cast and Crew of Pallotty 90’s Kids
The cast of Pallotty 90’s Kids features a blend of seasoned actors and talented newcomers. Davinchi Santhosh and Neeraj Krishna take on the roles of the young protagonists, while Arjun Ashokan and Balu Varghese portray their grown-up counterparts. Supporting performances by Saiju Kurup, Niranjana Anoop, and Dinesh Prabhakar add depth to the film’s storytelling. The direction by debutant Jithin Raj has been widely appreciated for its sensitivity and authenticity.
Reception of Pallotty 90’s Kids
At the Kerala State Film Awards 2022, Pallotty 90’s Kids not only won Best Children’s Film but also earned Davinchi Santhosh the Best Child Artist award. Critics have praised its nostalgic storytelling and engaging performances. The film has an IMDb rating 8.8 / 10.