Little People, Big World: Tori Roloff Ignores Kids

Tori Roloff from Little People, Big World admits she sometimes ignores her kids. However, after a recent embarrassing moment, she may listen more often.

Little People, Big World: Tori Roloff Doesn’t Listen to Kids

Tori Roloff has her hands full taking care of three kids. However, she enjoys every moment she gets to spend with her little ones. Even when they embarrass her when she is out in public with them.

The Little People, Big World reality star shared an embarrassing story that recently took place when she was out with her daughter, Lilah Roloff. However, before telling the story, she shared something about her parenting.

Tori admits that she sometimes ignores her kids when she is out with them in public. She says that she doesn’t “always listen to them.” She explains that they “talk all the time,” and sometimes, when she is focused on something else, she can hear them. But doesn’t listen to what they are saying.

Lilah Roloff | Instagram

Tori Shares Embarrassing Story

Tori may have second thoughts about ignoring what her kids say in public after an embarrassing moment. She explained that she went to a store after taking her daughter, Lilah, to her swimming class. However, she was trying to go into the store and get out quickly.

While in the store, the Little People, Big World cast member’s daughter started to yell across the store. She wanted her mother to look at a bench that she found. However, it sounded like she was saying something else.

Tori says that she heard what Lilah was trying to say. But she wasn’t really listening. Zach Roloff’s wife knew she was telling her to see a bench she found. However, the whole store heard something else.

Little People Big World: Tori Roloff
Tori Roloff | Instagram

Little People, Big World Celeb’s Funny Pronunciation

Tori Roloff asks her daughter, Lilah Roloff, to say “bench.” However, it sounds like she says another B-word that isn’t appropriate for a kid to be saying. So, she can only imagine what people were thinking when they heard this little kid say, “Come look at this bench.” But it sounds like a different word.

The Little People, Big World castmate couldn’t help but laugh at her daughter’s pronunciation of the word “bench.” However, she also laughed at the situation. It is never a dull moment when you have little ones around.

Lilah recently celebrated her fourth birthday. Tori feels that her daughter is “so special” to their family. The TLC star thinks her daughter is “sweet, loving and hilarious.” She also thinks she is the best little and big sister. She loves that she made her a girl mom.

The TLC celeb feels that Lilah has become more confident. She also thinks she has become more independent over the years. Zach Roloff’s wife enjoys watching her grow and find new things that bring her joy. But does she like it when her daughter embarrasses her in public?

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