Yash Raj Films’ Tiger 3, the third film in the Tiger franchise starring Salman Khan, hit the screens on Sunday November 12 on Diwali. Katrina Kaif, who is known for playing Zoya in the series, is thrilled with the record smashing opening of Tiger 3. The film is the latest from the YRF Spy Universe that has only delivered blockbusters at the box office!
Over the weekend, Tiger 3 collected Rs. 148.50 crore nett in India and Rs. 240 crores gross box office worldwide. It delivered the career-best opening weekend for Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif and also recorded the biggest opening for the Tiger franchise.
Reacting on the film’s box office performance, Katrina said in a statement, “It’s truly delightful to witness the widespread entertainment that Tiger 3 is bringing to people across the nation this Diwali. It’s amazing to see audiences from all corners of the country joyfully dancing in the theatres! The enthusiasm, cheers, and whistles from the audience reflect the incredible time they are having at the cinemas during this festive season.”
She added, “As someone dedicated to providing entertainment, this holds immense significance for me. I take great pride in Tiger 3 and I am elated that each film in this franchise has created enduring memories for the audience to cherish. This year has been phenomenal for Hindi cinema, and I am thrilled that Tiger 3 is being enjoyed by audiences in the theatres.”
Produced by Aditya Chopra and directed by Maneesh Sharma, Tiger 3 is running successfully in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.
Also Read: Tiger 3 Box Office: Katrina Kaif now equals Deepika Padukone at no 1 spot; both have 9 films in the Rs. 100 cr club
Yash Raj Films’ Tiger 3, the third film in the Tiger franchise starring Salman Khan, hit the screens on Sunday November 12 on Diwali. Katrina Kaif, who is known for playing Zoya in the series, is thrilled with the record smashing opening of Tiger 3. The film is the latest from the YRF Spy Universe that has only delivered blockbusters at the box office!
Over the weekend, Tiger 3 collected Rs. 148.50 crore nett in India and Rs. 240 crores gross box office worldwide. It delivered the career-best opening weekend for Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif and also recorded the biggest opening for the Tiger franchise.
Reacting on the film’s box office performance, Katrina said in a statement, “It’s truly delightful to witness the widespread entertainment that Tiger 3 is bringing to people across the nation this Diwali. It’s amazing to see audiences from all corners of the country joyfully dancing in the theatres! The enthusiasm, cheers, and whistles from the audience reflect the incredible time they are having at the cinemas during this festive season.”
She added, “As someone dedicated to providing entertainment, this holds immense significance for me. I take great pride in Tiger 3 and I am elated that each film in this franchise has created enduring memories for the audience to cherish. This year has been phenomenal for Hindi cinema, and I am thrilled that Tiger 3 is being enjoyed by audiences in the theatres.”
Produced by Aditya Chopra and directed by Maneesh Sharma, Tiger 3 is running successfully in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.
Also Read: Tiger 3 Box Office: Katrina Kaif now equals Deepika Padukone at no 1 spot; both have 9 films in the Rs. 100 cr club