The critically acclaimed web series Kaafir, featuring Dia Mirza and Mohit Raina, has been adapted into a movie format on ZEE5. Streaming from December 3, 2024, this adaptation revisits the poignant tale of love, humanity, and justice. Created by Siddharth P. Malhotra, written by Bhavani Iyer, and directed by Sonam Nair, the original series garnered significant attention for its narrative inspired by true events. The storyline, centred around themes of prejudice and resilience, remains as relevant today as it was during its debut.
When and Where to Watch Kaafir
The movie version of Kaafir is exclusively streaming on ZEE5 starting on December 3, 2024. This transition from a web series to a feature-length film offers audiences a renewed perspective on the story while staying true to its original essence.
Official Trailer and Plot of Kaafir
The film revolves around Kainaaz Akhtar, a woman from Pakistan-administered Kashmir who accidentally crosses the Line of Control into India. Portrayed by Dia Mirza, Kainaaz is mistaken for a militant and faces prolonged incarceration. While in prison, she gives birth, navigating life within the confines of detention. Mohit Raina plays Vedant, an Indian journalist committed to seeking justice for Kainaaz and her child. The trailer highlights themes of systemic prejudice, humanity, and the pursuit of justice, offering a gripping preview of the emotional journey.
Cast and Crew of Kaafir
Kaafir brings together a talented team both in front of and behind the camera. Dia Mirza leads as Kainaaz Akhtar, while Mohit Raina takes on the role of Vedant. The series was created by Siddharth P. Malhotra, with writing by Bhavani Iyer and direction by Sonam Nair. The creative team’s dedication to authenticity is evident in their portrayal of a story based on the life of Shehnaz Parveen.