Bollywood, the heartbeat of the Indian film industry, never ceases to amaze with its capacity to capture the nation’s imagination. Among the iconic films that have left an indelible mark on Indian cinema, the Gadar franchise stands tall. In 2001, Gadar: Ek Prem Katha became a cinematic sensation, and its sequel, Gadar 2, has proven to be no less remarkable. In an astounding achievement, Gadar 2 has not only met but exceeded expectations, week after week. After opening on a thunderous note, the business of the film was unstoppable with audience thronging theatres.
In the domestic circuit of Delhi-UP the business of the film has seen a similar trend. In fact, within this circuit Gadar 2 has managed to collect an impressive Rs. 118.58 crore till date. Coming in just behind the in the Mumbai circuit, the Delhi-UP circuit stands as the second highest grossing domestic circuit for the film. Interestingly, the Delhi-UP circuit, which encompasses the national capital and the adjoining states of Uttar Pradesh, has always been a vital market for Bollywood. However, Gadar 2’s monumental success in this circuit is nothing short of extraordinary. With a collection of Rs. 118.58 crore, the film has proven its enduring appeal to a diverse and discerning audience.
Going forward, the business of Gadar 2 is expected to see a massive increase over its third weekend running. Though currently, standing as the audience’s first choice in theatres, it remains to be see how the film contends with the upcoming Shah Rukh Khan storm Jawan.
Top 5 grossers in Delhi – U.P. circuit
Gadar 2 – Rs. 118.58 cr.
Pathaan – Rs. 100.01 cr.
Baahubali 2 – The Conclusion – Rs. 93.38 cr.
K.G.F – Chapter 2 – Rs. 91.68 cr.
Dangal – Rs. 80.25 cr. cr.