Filmmaker Anil Sharma’s Gadar 2 was expected to become a success at the box office much before its release. However, the Sunny Deol, Ameesha Patel and Utkarsh Sharma starrer has not only done that but also taken the box office by storm. The film opened at a big number of Rs. 40.10 crores on August 11 and saw a jump Rs. 43.08 crores on the second day. But its Sunday number of Rs. 51.70 crores created a bang at the box office.
The Sunday number of Gadar 2 has also ensured that the film has defeated Sanju and Baahubali 2: The Conclusion to become the second highest Sunday grosser of all time. Sanju and Baahubali 2 had Sunday scores of Rs. 46.71 crores and Rs. 46.5 crores respectively.
The film with the highest number achieved on Sunday is the Shah Rukh Khan starrer Pathaan. That movie, which released earlier this year, collected a mammoth Rs. 60.75 crores on its first Sunday. It will be difficult for any film this year to surpass Pathaan’s Sunday score. Right now, it looks like SRK himself might break that record through his next film Jawan, which is all set to release on September 7.
Produced by Zee Studios and Anil Sharma Productions, Gadar 2 tells the story of a father who takes on a mammoth mission of rescuing his son from the clutches of Pakistan and its authorities in 1971.