Filmmaker Mrighdeep Singh Lamba’s Fukrey, the first film in the franchise, became a surprise hit in 2013 as it went onto earn a good Rs. 36.50 crores. Starring Pulkit Samrat, Richa Chadha, Ali Fazal, Varun Sharma, Manjot Singh, Pankaj Tripathi, Priya Anand and Vishakha Singh, Fukrey 2 climbed even higher by recording lifetime collections of Rs. 80.32 crores. Fukrey 3, which released recently, is now all set to be another success story for the franchise.
Fukrey 3 has earned Rs. 43.48 crores in its four-day weekend. By doing so, it has gained the highest 1st weekend figures for a film in the franchise. The previous best was by Fukrey Returns, which had made Rs. 32.20 crores. In fact, Fukrey 3 has already gone past the lifetime number of the first film in the franchise (Rs. 36.50 crores).
With such a handsome amount already in its kitty in the first weekend itself, Fukrey 3 now looks to surpass the lifetime number of Fukrey Returns to emerge the most successful film in the franchise. It also has an outright chance of entering the Rs. 100 crores mark. One should note that Fukrey 3 has achieved this number despite Ali Fazal’s absence.
Fukrey franchise is produced under Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani’s banner Excel Entertainment.
Also Read: Fukrey 3 Box Office: The comic caper races past Rs. 15 crores mark on Sunday