Fukrey 3 is continuing to bring on the laughs and that’s reflecting in the collections that have seen an upswing all over again. Though there was a bit of a drop on expected lines on Friday when Rs. 7.81 crores had come in, Saturday saw the best collections that the film had seen so far. The opening day of Fukrey 3 was Rs. 8.82 crores and now Saturday has seen Rs. 11.67 crores been accumulated, which is quite good.
The film has seen a reasonably wide spread release for itself and the occupancy levels are good, which is going in its favour. A comedy works best when seen in a crowd with other audience members laughing along as well, and that’s where the fun element lies. While Dream Girl 2 was a comedy as well, it still had family elements in there which brought in the drama. On the other hand Fukrey 3 is an out and out comedy, something that makes franchises like Housefull and Golmaal special. While it’s not in the same league, it will certainly move on to Part 4.
The film’s overall collections stand at Rs. 28.30 crores and there are two big days ahead of it. In fact today’s collections would be better than yesterday and then tomorrow they would be even better than today owing to Gandhi Jayanti holiday. This Mrighdeep Singh Lamba film is continuing to makes it case for Rs. 50 crores in its extended five days weekend and should eventually reach there Rathee comfortably now.
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources