It has been a very good Week 1 (first seven days) for the comedy Fukrey 3 as Rs. 62.90 crores have come in already. After taking a start of Rs. 8.82 crores last Thursday, the film grew well over the extended weekend and then post that has been quite stable on the weekdays. That has resulted in a healthy first week which has basically assured a hit status for it.
On Wednesday too the film stayed stable and brought in Rs. 3.62 crores. The drop from the day before (Rs. 4.11 crores) is minimal which shows that there is steady set of audiences catching the film even though the footfalls were already superb in the first five days. There is no holiday period anywhere whatsoever and still if the film is managing to bring in collections almost double of Jawan (even though it’s in its fourth week) is good enough.
The film is now moving well towards the Rs. 100 crores mark. The film with which it will have a competition is Dream Girl 2 which also managed to just about go past the Rs. 100 crores mark in its lifetime. By the look of things, Fukrey 3 will end up surpassing that by a couple of crores, which will make this the second consecutive comedy franchise to be successful in quick succession.
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources