Hungama, India’s leading digital entertainment platform, unveiled its latest Hindi original series, Checkmate, which has captivated audiences with its intense crime-suspense narrative. The series featured a stellar cast, including the talented Nyrraa Banerjee, who took on a complex role in this thrilling drama.
In an exclusive interview with Bollywood Hungama, Nyrraa opened up about the challenges she faced while portraying her character in Checkmate, revealing the depth and intricacy behind her performance. The series delivered an edge-of-your-seat experience as it unfolded its gripping storyline.
Nyrraa said, “When it comes to playing a versatile role as an actor, it’s essential to bring different layers to the character. The character in Checkmate was incredibly challenging. Every moment, every second, every situation demanded an intense range of emotions. There’s always this sense of discovery in the character’s journey—what’s happening next? It’s gripping in a way that keeps the audience engaged without any dull moments. From what I’ve heard from viewers, no one felt bored or disengaged; the pace always kept them on their toes.”
She added, “In real life, it mirrors the continuous energy required in the show. Just like in Checkmate, I had to keep doing something, maintaining a fast pace. There are times when you need to pause, rest, and recharge, but most of the time, it’s about maintaining aggression, staying consistent, and finishing the job.”
Nyrraa Banerjee further expressed her excitement about the rise of unique and empowering stories on platforms like Hungama. “As for the content itself, it’s exciting to see shows like this gaining attention, especially with platforms like Hungama. The stories being told are unique and women empowering, often portraying the journey of a woman in a way that’s rarely explored. There are many such stories, like Checkmate, that should be on television rather than just accessible through phones. I believe the audience would appreciate these kinds of empowering narratives,” she further stated.
Along with Nyrraa Banerjee the cast include Shaleen Malhotra, Rohit Khandelwal, Rahul Jagtap, and Afreen Alvi.
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