After the raging success of its previous season, Zee TV’s singing reality show, Sa Re Ga Ma Pa has returned with a bang, featuring Himesh Reshammiya, Neeti Mohan, and Anu Malik as judges. While the top 12 contestants are putting their best foot forward to display phenomenal performances, host Aditya Narayan’s natural swagger and entertaining antics are keeping everyone hooked. The upcoming episode will see oodles of fun and beauty as the Thank you for coming cast- Bhumi Pednekar, Shehnaaz Gill, Kusha Kapila, Dolly Singh, and Shibani Bedi will grace the show.
As the contestants poured their hearts into their performances, aiming to impress both the esteemed judges and the special guests, one shining moment that stood out, was Ranita Banerjee’s rendition of the enchanting song ‘Moh Moh Ke Dhaage’. The performance not only left a lasting impression on the judges but also touched popular actress Bhumi Pednekar‘s heart. It resonated so profoundly with Bhumi that it sent shivers down her spine, taking her down memory lane. Bhumi shared a heartfelt moment, expressing her deep connection with the song. That’s not it, Bhumi thanked Anu Malik for the amazing composition for her first film and hugged Ranita on stage!
Bhumi Pednekar said, “Moments come and go, I want to take advantage of this moment to say thanks to Anu ji. This song and film changed my life. I think this song will be heard and seen for generations. And whenever that happens, people will remember you (Anu Malik), me and Ayushmann. Very few occasions come in an actor’s life when a song resonates synonymously with the artist. Your creation gave me that opportunity and that too in my very first film. I am forever grateful to you Anu ji.”
She added “Ranita I would like to tell you, when I heard this song for the first time I got goosebumps. You know, I was that girl who was nervous about what would happen with her career and her first film (Dum Laga Ke Haisha). I feel nostalgic now, and Ranita you have taken me 8 years back, and I am mesmerized by your performance, you have sung this song beautifully. I would like to hug you.”
Witness the Sa Re Ga Ma Pa contestants’ magical performances, every Saturday and Sunday at 9 p.m., only on Zee TV!
Also Read: Bhumi Pednekar shares her experience of working with Anil Kapoor in Thank You For Coming; says, “He’s one of the kindest, nicest, most motivating, and inspirational people I know”