Baby John managed to have a fair opening day as Rs. 11.25 crores came in. The target was to at least get into a double-digit score, and it managed to do that, though just about. This too was courtesy the evening shows because the manner in which the film had opened in the morning shows, it seemed like even hitting Rs. 10 crores would be touch and go. Thankfully, that has happened though.
Expectations though were for a lot more from the film. Even till the time the advance booking hadn’t opened, it had seemed that the film will get into that Rs. 13-15 crores range at least. After all, this one is a big film and moreover also arriving on a major national holiday of Christmas. In fact, at the time the teaser was out many months back, bets were also being placed on an opening day of Rs. 20-25 crores. However, as the film came closer to release, the expectations were kept under check. Moreover, no one had any clue that even in its third week, Pushpa 2: The Rule (Hindi) would be huge and then there would be competition from Hollywood’s Mufasa: The Lion King as well. That’s why the expectations were reset to Rs. 10-12 crores on the eve of release.
There is a lot of distance that the film needs to cover from here on. Today, there would be a drop in collections since it’s a working day though in parts, the holiday season has also begun, which means there could be a bit of benefit coming from there. However, on Friday the film would need to be really close to the opening day collections if the Varun Dhawan starrer has to be benefit from the weekend ahead.
Note: All collections as per various box office sources