On August 12, Vikram Bhatt presided over an event where he announced his association with Indira Entertainment, headed by Dr Ajay Murdia. Vikram was joined by Dr Ajay Murdia and also Mahesh Bhatt, who’ll be mentoring as well as writing some of the films that will be made by Indira. Actors Anupam Kher, Esha Deol, Adah Sharma and Ishwak Singh also graced the occasion. One of the most heartening moments of the event was when Anupam Kher gave ‘guru dakshina’ to Mahesh Bhatt in front of everyone. It was Mahesh Bhatt who gave the acting break to Anupam in Saaransh (1984). The actor was unanimously loved in this film and since then, has only grown as an actor.
Anupam Kher began by saying, “Bhatt saab told me that outside, I just paid him Rs. 1500. Since the past 40 years, I have been paying him after every film. I knew today he would ask for money. So, I paid him whatever I had in my pocket.”
At a later point, he remarked, “Guru dakshina ek janam mein dena possible nahin hai!” This led to applause at the venue. Anupam continued, “When I worked with Bhatt saab during Saaransh, we didn’t meet in a five star. I thank Vikram Bhatt for bringing us together in a five-star hotel. I’ll pay Bhatt saab Rs. 500 more!”
Saying this, Anupam Kher got up and so did Mahesh Bhatt. Anupam searched his pockets but failed to find sufficient money. He laughed as he said, “Sau rupaye hi nikal rahe hai!”
Anupam then finally got Rs. 300 which he handed over to Mahesh Bhatt. The veteran filmmaker proudly showed it to the media before keeping it safely in his pocket. Anupam Kher then stated, “If a biopic is made on my life, Bhatt saab would have a very important role!”
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