On the 100th birth anniversary of Raj Kapoor, legendary actor Amitabh Bachchan shared a heartfelt post honoring the late actor and his iconic legacy. He reminisced about watching Awara and encouraged fans to revisit Kapoor’s films as part of the ongoing Raj Kapoor film festival.
Amitabh Bachchan shared a heartfelt note on his official X handle to celebrate Raj Kapoor’s centenary and wrote, “Raj Kapoor 100 – Celebrating the Centenary of the Greatest Showman – a grand festival of 10 milestone Raj Kapoor films screening in 40 cities and 135 cinemas across the country opens today! Continuing our commitment to bringing classic cinema back to the big screen, I am so happy that Film Heritage Foundation has joined hands with RK Films to keep the legacy of Raj Kapoor alive and give audiences all over India an opportunity to revisit the films of an artist who lived for cinema and whose films gave voice to the common man.”
T 5223 – Raj Kapoor 100 – Celebrating the Centenary of the Greatest Showman” – a grand festival of 10 milestone Raj Kapoor films screening in 40 cities and 135 cinemas across the country opens today!
Continuing our commitment to bringing classic cinema back to the big… pic.twitter.com/mI5Xu3ie4g
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) December 13, 2024
Recalling Raj Kapoor’s iconic film Awara, Amitabh Bachchan shared, “Even today, Awara is a film that is etched in my mind. Talking about Raj Ji’s incredible showmanship, the way he envisioned the dream sequence in the film had never been seen before. You are amazed by his fantastical imagination that visualised the surreal setting, the ethereal Nargis Ji emerging through thick clouds of smoke, Raj Ji surrounded by demonic figures and burning fires – there is a powerful, mystical symbolism in the dream sequence, and that is my favourite.”
He concluded, “Don’t miss the opportunity to watch these Raj Kapoor classics in a cinema near you from December 13–15.”
To celebrate Raj Kapoor’s 100th birth anniversary, a film festival featuring 10 of his most popular movies will be held at multiplex chains PVR-Inox and Cinepolis from December 13-15, with tickets priced at just Rs 100.
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