Actor Allu Arjun was arrested today afternoon and sent for a 14-day judicial custody in connection to the stampede that took place on December 4 at the premiere of his film Pushpa 2: The Rule at Sandhya theatre in Hyderabad, which took the life of a 35-year-old woman Revathi and seriously injured her eight-year-old son. The victim’s family had registered a case against the actor and the theatre management.
However, as per the latest reports, Allu Arjun has been granted interim bail by the Telangana High Court for four weeks just some time back. The court reportedly ruled that there was no malafide action associated with Allu Arjun in the case. The court also set a personal bail bond of Rs. 50,000.
Meanwhile, soon after the actor was arrested, Bhaskar, the husband of the victim who passed away in the stampede, has said that he is willing to withdraw the case as he doesn’t believe Allu Arjun is responsible for the death, as per a video shared on social media. Bhaskar is seen telling a group of reporters in Telugu, “I am ready to withdraw the case. I was not aware of the arrest and Allu Arjun has nothing to do with the stampede in which my wife passed away.”
Revathi Husband – I’m Ready to withdraw the case.#AlluArjun
— Filmy Tollywood (@FilmyTwood) December 13, 2024
This is a developing story, and more updates are expected on the same.
Also Read: Varun Dhawan defends Allu Arjun amid Pushpa 2 stampede backlash; says, “Aap blame sirf ek insaan pe nahin daal sakte”