90 Day Fiance bride-to-be Jasmine Pineda continues to adjust to her new life in the United States with her fiance, Gino Palazzolo. It’s been a challenge for them both. Their wedding day is rapidly approaching, and they struggle to get things done. It’s been one obstacle after the next for the pair, and it is starting to take a toll on them. Especially Jasmine.
90 Day Fiance: Jasmine Pineda Disgusted by Gino Palazzolo’s Living Arrangements
Jasmine is not a fan of Gino’s house. She made that very clear to him the moment she arrived. When he gives her the grand tour, she is disgusted by everything in the house. She said it smelled of rotting garbage and was filthy by her standards. She hates everything about the house. But she believes with a woman’s touch and a lot of remodeling, she can get it up to her standards.
The 90 Day Fiance star wants to change every room. But her partner stops her and tells her they can change a few things. But he will set a budget that she will have to stick to. When she steps into the bedroom, she is appalled. Laundry is everywhere. The bed is unmade, and the sheets are dirty and stained.
Gino is he knew Jasmine was coming there was mole in the kitchen sink poop in the toilet and the house is just nasty and he seems to be okay with that he should have had that house clean before she got there… don’t say welcome home to a nasty house☹️#90DayFiance
— pwill4u (@Pwill178) November 4, 2023
The Panamanian beauty draws the line there. She demands to buy a new bedroom set, complete with fresh bedding. She can’t stand the mess and scolds him for living in unhygienic conditions. The TLC personality says she has her work cut out for her.
Gino Comes Clean About Their Financial Situation
Jasmine is ready to go shopping. But Gino has something he needs to come clean with her about. He’s keeping a secret from his 90 Day Fiance partner. So before she runs him into the poor house with her shopping plans, he informs her that has left his job. He also tells her they will be living on a very strict budget for the next year or so.
She can’t believe he made such a big move without first discussing it. This is a huge wake-up call for her and a possible game-changer. She now fears she will not be living the life she expected. So she gets a few things off her chest.
Of course, she feels she has made an enormous sacrifice. She left Panama and moved to Michigan, which she disliked immediately. Now, she will have to resort to living on a budget. It is too much for her to handle. When she thinks things can’t possibly get any worse, she discovers she is wrong.
90 Day Fiance: Jasmine Freaks Out
When Jasmine Pineda wakes up to find that she is itchy and covered in red blotches and welts, she freaks out. She immediately blames Gino Palazzolo for her misery. She tells him it is all his fault and blames his dirty, unkempt house.
Jasmine loses all control. She is itching and miserable. She is sure it has everything to do with all the dust and dirt in the carpets and blankets. Gino of 90 Days Fiance takes offense to her accusations. She continues to rant about the unlivable conditions of his home, complaining about the piles of garbage and dust, Gino gets angry.
No but seriously, Jasmine is probably allergic to Gino’s American fabric softener. It’s actually very common. #90DayFiance pic.twitter.com/40uVTmyktW
— Kat Targaryen (@KRodOfficial) October 30, 2023
Gino Palazzolo defends his home, telling Jasmine Pineda that he is not a hoarder and that she is out of line. She said in the past, she had a similar reaction after staying in a filthy and dusty place.
The 90 Day Fiance couple continues to argue. Gino Palazzolo finally snaps and reminds Jasmine Pineda that she was living in a dirty apartment with mice. This remark set her off even more, so she calls him a f****ng idiot and stormed out of the room. There are 80 days to the wedding. At the rate they are going, it will be a miracle if they make it down the aisle before her K-1 Visa expires.
Check back with Soap Dirt for all the latest 90 Day Fiance news.
The post 90 Day Fiance: Jasmine Goes Nuts Over Gino’s Dirty Home appeared first on Soap Dirt.