90 Day Fiance: Clayton Clark’s Got the Bedroom Blues – Recap [S10E08]

On 90 Day Fiance, Clayton Clark tries to set the mood with candles and massage but still ends up frustrated in the bedroom. Jasmine Pineda just wants to go back to Panama yet again. Rob Warne woos Sophie Sierra back with a single rose and a beachfront Airbnb. And Nikki Sanders gets Justin/Igor’s family’s blessing. Let’s take a closer look with this recap of Season 10, Episode 8 Do You Take One Another?

90 Day Fiance: Clayton Clark Tries to Set the Mood

Clayton Clark puts Anali Vallejos to work on 90 Day Fiance. It’s time to clean out the guinea pig cages and bathe them as well. Clayton claims allergies to the pet’s cage shavings. So, he suggests Anali handle that part.

She’s a little peeved that he’s tasking her already. Next, she helps bathe the pigs in a blue kiddie pool. Clayton shows off his language skills. Clearly he’s fluent in English, Spanish and guinea pig and demonstrates their various chatter.

A meeting with his sister Brandi didn’t go well. Clayton’s also frustrated with the lack of intimacy he’s had with Anali. She suggests it’s the thin walls. Anali heads out for some privacy to call her mom in Peru.

She talks about how Brandi was rude. And that she accused her of only being in America for a green card. Her mom gets upset. It seems she is lonely without her daughter and has health issues. Clayton plans a trip to Indiana to pick apples and try to smooth things over with his sister.

The apple picking goes well for Clayton Clark on 90 Day Fiance. Brandi admits to being a turd. And Anali explains her situation with her mother. She and Brandi hug and it’s a fresh start. Clayton tells Anali to wait in the lobby while he fixes up the room.

He tosses some fake candles on the night stands. And sprawls out on the bed in an attempt to seduce Anali. She’s not turned on and likens him to a cow. She accepts a back rub but shuts down the idea of anything more. So, he’s left trying to explain blue balls to her.

90 Day Fiance: Jasmine Pineda Pines for Panama

Jasmine Pineda set out for some stress relief at the nail salon on 90 Day Fiance. But after finding out Gino Palazzolo spent the day before she arrived cavorting with Canton’s finest strippers at his bachelor party, she’s seeing red. Meanwhile, Gino happily putzes away back at his place. He pats himself on the back for figuring out how to assemble a set of doggy steps. His bliss is short lived however when Jasmine arrives home t0 question him about the bachelor party.

Gino plays dumb at first but admits he did have a good old fashioned bachelor party at the nudie bar. Which is what Americans do. Jasmine’s beef is that he didn’t tell her. And wasn’t going to. Gino claims he enjoyed the dancers at a safe distance.

But video from that night shows otherwise. Jasmine Pineda bawls and tosses her ring at him. She needs a ticket back to Panama ASAP. Gino Palazzolo says he’s tired of her hysterics. She cries on the couch and vents to poor Coco who wonders how he ended up in the middle of this mess.

Rob Warne Steps up His Game

On 90 Day Fiance, Rob Warne tries to win Sophie Sierra back with a single red rose. She’s softening for sure. But he keeps dangling it in her face to remind her he stopped at the convenience store.

So, she agrees to go back to his place for the night. But first takes some extra time in the bathroom to enjoy the last few moments of comfort and privacy that comes with an indoor facility. Luckily, Rob has something else planned for Sophie.

Rob Warne rents a place on the beach complete with a bathroom to woo Sophie back. He even gets her favorite Indian takeout for dinner. She’s impressed and agrees they can give it a go. But later she calls her mom. And her mom is concerned that she’s only 35.8 percent happy with “Rob the knob” as a partner. Sophie Sierra giggles but assures her mom that she’s ok. So, now her mom is booking a flight to LA to see for herself.

TLC Couples Struggle on 90 Day Fiance

Nikki Sanders fears that Justin’s parents won’t accept her. But they are lovely people and welcome her with cake, open arms and a cute dog named Jessica. Even though his mom gets emotional remembering their break up a decade ago, she gives her blessing for them to marry. She even saved the pictures from the first time they met. She admits that things have changed and they will accept Nikki just as she is.

Ashley Michelle is taking Manuel out for the day on 90 Day Fiance. They immediately begin to argue because Ashley is demanding they stop for coffee after Manuel already made her some.

They continue to bicker in the car after Ashley wants him to hold some of her various coffees while she drives. Later they meet her friends for some candle making. The subject of sending money back to his family comes up and Manuel eventually storms off when her friends question him.

Nick Ham and Devin Hoofman start their trip to America. They fly to Memphis to be exact. So, her parents pick them up at the airport. Nick is nervous. But her parents are happy to finally meet him and see that he really exists. Nick feels overwhelmed and notices he’s the only Asian at the airport. He finds the airport parking garage scary. Next he will have to adjust to living with Devin and her parents in the same house. Till next time!

Catch up on all the latest 90 Day Fiance news, recaps and spoilers right here on Soap Dirt.

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