90 Day Fiance couple Brandan De Nuccio and Mary Rosa do not have many people in their corner who support their wedding plans. His mom, Angela Stiggins, is one who is against them. She recently arrived in the Philippines to attend her son’s wedding. The wedding is a couple of days away. Angela doesn’t care for Mary. So, if she can figure out how to stop this wedding, she plans to do it.
90 Day Fiance: Angela Stiggins Dislikes Brandan De Nuccio’s Fiance
Angela Stiggins is against her son Brandan’s plans to wed his 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way partner, Mary Rosa. His mom knows it is a huge mistake for these two to get married. She does not like Mary or the way she controls her son. She has traveled hundreds of miles for the wedding. But she plans to do everything in her power to prevent it.
Mary Rosa knows her future 90 Day Fiance mother-in-law doesn’t like her. But the feeling is mutual. Both women appear to be in competition to control Brandan. This puts him in a tough predicament. He feels caught in the middle. All he wants is for Mary and his mom to get along. But it looks like this will not happen. So it is causing him a lot of anxiety.
Mary Feels Judged by Brandan’s Mom
Brandan is doing everything he can to get his mom and Mary together. But neither of The Other Way women has any desire to be friends. His mom has done nothing but complain since she arrived. She hates everything about the Philippines.
Angela disapproved of their relationship from the beginning. Once her son informed her that Mary preferred him not to visit her home, that was all it took. His mom decided that Mary Rosa of 90 Day Fiance was not the girl for her son Brandan De Nuccio.
I’m watching the new 90 day fiance the other way and Mary and Brandan’s relationship is so toxic
— k i n s t i n🌸💕 (@Krisserbombs) July 13, 2023
Mary’s jealousy was why she wanted him to stay away from his mother’s home. She doesn’t like that Angela Stiggin’s has female roommates. This became an instant issue for his mom. But he assured his mom that Mary would change her tune once the 90 Day Fiance couple were together in person.
But it has not. If anything, The Other Way star’s jealousy has only gotten worse. Mary and Brandan spend all of their time-fighting. Now that Mary is pregnant, the fighting is even more out of control. They disagree with everything. Money and his addiction to video games is a big issue.
90 Day Fiance: The Other Way – Angela Tries To Stop The Wedding
Time is running out for Brandan De Nuccio’s mom to stop the wedding. So she decides it is time for them to sit down for a serious talk. Mary Rosa is against this, but he convinces her to listen to what his mom has to say.
He was unsure what his mom was up to. But once Angela Stiggins got on a roll, she didn’t stop. She lets it all out and directs it at her 90 Day Fiance son’s girlfriend.
It’s gonna take more than love to make this marriage work. Brandan’s mom gets real on a new #90DayFiance: The Other Way Monday at 8/7c. pic.twitter.com/eLA3TNdYtb
— 90DayFiance (@90DayFiance) November 3, 2023
Angela Stiggens tells them she knows they love each other. But she has genuine concerns for her unborn grandchild. She tells Mary that she comes from a “dysfunctional environment.”
Mary Rosa looks to her fiance to step in and have her back. But he will not stand up to his mom. So she speaks out and tells his mom that they are trying to be better as a couple. However, Brandan’s mom tells them it’s not enough.
According to 90 Day Fiance viewers, they expect Angela Stiggins’ interference to make things worse between Brandan De Nuccio and Mary Rosa.
Check back with Soap Dirt for all the latest 90 Day Fiance news.
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