90 Day Fiance star Brandan De Nuccio and Mary Rosa have pre-wedding issues that are about to get worse now that his mom, Angela Stiggins, has arrived. The women in his life are not on the best of terms. He hopes to find a way for them to bond and become friends. Or at least cordial to each other. But there are a couple of big issues that stand in the way.
90 Day Fiance: Brandan De Nuccio Tries to Reason with Mary Rosa?
Brandan De Nuccio is under a lot of stress with his girlfriend. The 90 Day Fiance cast member’s plate is full. He tries to keep his composure. But a lot is going on around him. His partner, Mary Rosa, is pregnant, making her moodier and a little hard to deal with. He is also worried sick of the state of their finances. He wants a simple, small, inexpensive wedding. But according to his fiance, it is customary to invite most of the town.
His mother, Angela, has arrived. She was there for two minutes, and Mary and Brandan could tell she was unhappy. The Other Way star wants his mom and his girl to bond and get along. But Angela wants little to do with her son’s girlfriend, and Mary feels the same.
He attempts to get the two women to hug during their first in-person meeting. But neither of them was having it. It was an uncomfortable situation. The tension is building between the women, and he is caught in the middle.
Mary & Angela Compete for Attention
Once they return to the house, 90 Day Fiance Brandan De Nuccio gives his mom a tour. It is easy to see that she is not impressed by her son’s living quarters. Angela has barely said two words to her future daughter-in-law since she arrived, and she takes it personally.
Mary from 90 day fiancé the other way has such a victim mentality 🙄
— jaime (@ayyjaimeb) October 24, 2023
It is easy to see that it will take a miracle before these two women become friendly. Angela is against them getting married. She doesn’t feel they are ready. She also hates that her son chooses to live in the Philippines instead of America.
Mary is very controlling and possessive, according to Brandan’s mom. Angela says she knows she is also insecure and jealous. She does not want him to have anything to do with any female other than herself, even if it is his mom or sister. This is something Angela can not understand or tolerate.
90 Day Fiance: Brandan Feels Trouble Brewing
During her visit, The Other Way mom, Angela, wants to spend time with her son. But Mary Rosa doesn’t want to let Brandan De Nuccio out of her sight. She fears her future mother-in-law will try and turn him against her. So, the two are in constant competition for his attention, and it gets to be too much.
The wedding is coming up soon. All Brandan De Nuccio hopes to get through it without his 90 Day Fiance and his mother spoiling the day. But Angela is determined to have her say before they marry. She has a lot she wants her son to know, and she doesn’t care if it causes problems between the couple. She would be thrilled if they called the entire wedding off and Brandan flew home with her where she thinks he belongs.
Brandan’s mum has a lot of nerve talking about Mary’s dysfunctional background when she was an addict and her kids went into foster care. Im not a fan of Mary but hypocrisy is hypocrisy. #90DayFiance#90dayfiancetheotherway
— The Sweetie Called Amphitrite 💙 🌊 (@SweetAmphitrite) October 31, 2023
In the upcoming episode for Sunday, November 6, Angela sits them down for a serious talk. Angela Stiggins doesn’t beat around the bush. She bluntly tells her son and his fiance she is concerned for their future. She is brutally honest about her feelings. Angela tells the couple that their relationship is too toxic, and she feels it will never last.
This will not go over well with Mary, and she expects her partner to have her back. She wants him to stand up to his mom and defend her. This is a huge test. But he doesn’t know how to diffuse this situation. Once again, the 90 Day Fiance star Brandan De Nuccio is trapped between his fiance, Mary Rosa, and his mom, Angela Stiggins. This should make for quite an explosive and dramatic wedding day for the pair.
Check back with Soap Dirt for all the latest 90 Day Fiance news.
The post 90 Day Fiance: Brandan Feels Trapped & Hopeless appeared first on Soap Dirt.