Samsung MS1 Micro LED TV has been launched at a price similar to a luxury sedan in India. The new Micro LED TV from the South Korean brand is equipped with 24.8 million micrometer-sized LEDs made from sapphire glass. It sports a 110-inch 4K display with support for up to 4 streams at 120 FPS. The TV is powered by a M1 AI processor and also comes equipped with features such as Dolby Atmos, TV to mobile mirroring, and Wi-Fi connectivity. For audio, it is equipped with OTS Pro, Dolby Atmos, and Q-Symphony.
Samsung Micro LED TV price in India, availability
The Samsung 110-inch Micro LED TV is available in India at a price of Rs. 1,14,99,000. It can be purchased via and select retail stores across the country.
Samsung Micro LED TV specifications
Samsung’s new 110-inch Micro LED 4K television is said to be equipped with 24.8 million micro-LEDs made using sapphire glass. The TV is said to offer an immersive viewing experience with vibrant colours with better clarity and contrast. It sports a 110-inch display with 4K resolution that supports features such as Micro HDR, Multi-Intelligence AI Upscaling, Scene Adaptive Contrast, and Dynamic Range Expansion+. The Samsung MS1A Micro LED TV also offers a Multi View feature that allows users to view content from up to four different sources at up to 120 frames per second.
The Samsung Micro LED 4K TV comes with a minimalistic monolith design and is said to offer an invisible bezel with no-gap along with slim edges. Additionally, it has a specific Art Mode and an Ambient Mode+ feature that can turn the TV into an art display wall.
Due to the Micro LEDs present in the television, the Samsung MS1A gets features like Micro Contrast, Micro Colour, Micro HDR, which are all powered by the Micro AI processor. For audio experience, it comes with a 100W RMS sound system in 6.2.2 channel with support for OTS Pro, Dolby Digital Plus, and Q-Symphony.
Furthermore, the 110-inch Micro LED TV from Samsung also comes with a SolarCell Remote, which can also be charged using indoor lighting, according to the company. The television measures 422.5 x 1364.1 x 24.9 mm and weighs 87kg without a stand.