Realme Buds Air 5 Pro true wireless earphones have been confirmed to launch in India soon. The company has also announced the same via Amazon. The available colour option of the wearables has also been revealed alongside the design. The specifications, launch date, and other key details for the Realme Buds Air 5 Pro in India are yet to be announced. However, they have been already launched in China alongside the Realme 11 series earlier this year. It is expected that the upcoming earphones will have a similar design to the Realme Buds Air 5 Pro launched in China. It is IPX5-rated for water resistance and supports Bluetooth 5.3 connectivity.
Realme Buds Air 5 Pro landing page is live on Realme India’s official website as well as on the The earphones are confirmed to launch in India soon. The company has teased a black colour option for the wearables, which can be seen sporting a stem design. Other details including the launch date and specifications are yet to be revealed by the company. However, they were already launched in China in May 2023 and could carry similar specifications in India.
Realme Buds Air 5 Pro specifications, features (expected)
The Realme Buds Air 5 Pro earbuds could come with support for Bluetooth 5.3 connectivity as well as audio codecs like AAC, SBC, and LDAC. The earbuds may feature six-microphone equipped with AI deep call noise reduction, advanced ENC with Beamforming noise reduction technology, and a DNN algorithm for clear sound. It is also likely to offer noise reduction of up to 50dB.
Additionally, the Realme Buds Air 5 Pro earphones could feature a 40ms low latency mode for gaming. It could offer an IPX5 rating for water and dust resistance. It is likely to be equipped with two drivers — an 11mm woofer, and a 6mm micro-plane tweeter.
The earphones could support USB Type-C charging port and are expected to offer up to 40 hours of battery life with the charging case.