Bug Hunt Week

The Mobile+AI Lab community is now 392 people strong!

This move to a more open and transparent process has been extremely rewarding: we are collecting great ideas and getting instant feedback on some of the bolder changes we are exploring. (See the detailed changelog below.)

We are also getting a lot of great bug reports. Thank you!

Our focus over the past 10 days was to address those bugs and polish the new experience (including scrolling, navigation, views, mark-as-read options, and night mode) so that we have a solid foundation to invite more people to the Lab and explore new ideas.

Three questions for the community:

Question 1: We did some night mode color tuning. Better? If not, can you please let us know 1/ if there is a specific part of the theme we need to refine, and 2/ what is your luminosity level?

Question 2: Are there other bugs you would like us to fix? Please post them in the “bugs” channel in Slack.

Question 3: Is there a missing feature which is not currently in the Trello roadmap that is preventing you from adopting the new app? Please post it in the “general” channel.

We love building the new Feedly in the open and look forward to the next 12 weeks!

Here is a more detailed changelog for this week’s bug hunt:

  • Scroll and tap to open conflict (via Jesse Flanagan, John, and Kireet)
  • Empty screen when loading an article after switching app (via Ryan)
  • Improve scrolling performance (via Chad Hudson and Cyril)
  • Double tap on selected bottom tab bar should scroll to the top (via Lior)
  • Contextual mark as read copy improvement (mark all as read versus mark current top articles as read)
  • Mark as read missing items (via Dan Newman)
  • Mark as read and refresh of the All section (via Eric L.)
  • Move to next feed and gray out articles after Mark all as read (via Serge Courrier)
  • Night mode: Improve the brightness/contrast of the mark-as-read notification (via Dan Newman)
  • Night mode: Better read vs unread distinction (via Lee Sprung)
  • Night mode: Article separators (via Daniel)
  • Read later tab is not selected (via Lior)
  • Toggle read later bug (via Lior)
  • Do not automatically mark-as-read articles that the user manually kept unread (via Gabe)
  • Auto-mark-as-read-on-scroll: improvements regarding marking-as-read the last articles on the page
  • Refresh automatically when the user launches the app after minutes (via sryo)
  • Speed up the close animation (Aaron M.)
  • Make compact view even more compact by inlining the source and date metadata
  • Mark-all-as-read button at the end of a list of articles
  • Second level left-to-right gesture to trigger the save to board action (via Eiselch)
  • Progress circle needs to be reset after changing sort or layout preference (via John)

Thank you for your time and participation.

If you aren’t yet part of the Lab and you would like to participate, you can join here.

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