On the new season of 90 Day Fiance, Loren leaves behind his eccentric life of drag queens and couch surfing for Faith, his long-distance love in the Philippines. Tigerlily Taylor heads to Jordan to marry Adnan Abdelfattah the very first day they meet. Rayne heads to Lagos, Nigeria to prove love can definitely be blind. And Brian seeks love in Brazil in spite of his obstacles. Fire up your hot pot and let’s not spare any details in this recap of Season 7, Episode 1 Great Expectations.
90 Day Fiance: Loren Leaves Las Vegas for Faith
On 90 Day Fiance Loren lives an eccentric life in Sin City. He moonlights as an assistant to a drag queen show. His duties include picking up the money that rains on the queens. As well as helping with extensions and wardrobe adjustments. He also dabbles in retail and couch surfs since he’s actually homeless. Loren isn’t afraid of exposing his preferences. He finds femininity attractive as long as there is some masculinity downstairs.
Dating sites led him to Faith in the Philippines. In the first day of chatting, they got to I love you. So, now he’s planning to head there to meet Faith face to face. He preps for this by cooking shrimp on a hot pot in his ex-girlfriend’s bathroom. He also boils water and does an exercise routine in his boxers to prepare for the heat and cuisine in the Philippines. As if that wasn’t cringe enough, he eats an entire shrimp shell on and all out of his bathroom boil.
Loren heads out to say goodbye to some of his friends on Before The 90 Days. He includes them on a video call with Faith and they slip up and say that of all the girls he met on the Filipino dating apps she should be glad he chose her. This is news to Faith. And Loren also lets it slip to the cameras that he’s currently sleeping with other people as well. And doesn’t believe in monogamy. But Faith doesn’t know that. Or that he’s broke and homeless.
90 Day Fiance: Tigerlily Taylor Plans to Marry Adnan Abdelfattah Right Away
Meet Tigerlily Taylor, a wealthy divorcee on the new season of 90 Day Fiance. She found herself married and pregnant at a young age. She tried to make it work for her children. But her husband was controlling and finally she found her freedom. Along with enough money for her and her kids to live comfortably in Texas. Tigerlily casually drops 26 grand on a watch for her Jordanian beau Adan Abdelfattah. A 22 year old model she met online.
She employs a glam quad that also double as friends. They include a life coach, an injector, a hair stylist and an eyelash artist. They throw her a swanky bachelorette party complete with belly dancers wearing flaming headpieces. In spite of all the champagne and collagen, they aren’t afraid to tell her how they really feel. Especially since Adnan Abdelfattah is young, Muslim and Tigerlily Taylor never actually met him. So, after just 4 months of talking, they will marry the day she gets there.
TLC Couple Rayne and Chidi Ikpeamaeze Face Big Obstacles
On 90 Day Fiance, Rayne is a single mom with a serious love of animals. Her farm in New Mexico is home to her 130 chickens, five dogs, cats and even a horse. Rayne supports herself by selling the eggs her brood lays. She tries to have meaningful contact with each and every chicken daily. Her track record with humans hasn’t been the greatest. She feels she’s never known romantic love. And suffers from a host of insecurities.
Her luck changed however when she met Chidi Ikpeamaeze online. He lives in Nigeria. The pair began chatting daily. At first, Chidi kept a secret from Rayne. He’s blind. Rayne didn’t suspect he was visually impaired. But was a little miffed after she sent a booty pic that went unanswered. She doesn’t have a problem with it. Instead telling family and friends it’s a bit of a relief since she’s so insecure. She is concerned that his devotion to religion could be a problem. So only time will tell if love is truly blind for this couple.
90 Day Fiance: Brian Tries Again to Find Love in Brazil
Brian is one of the newbies looking for love on Before The 90 Days. He grew up in the streets. But managed to find love when he was pretty young and married and had a daughter. But tragedy struck after he divorced. He was carjacked and shot in the spine resulting in paralysis from the chest down. He can use him arms. But his hands don’t work as they used to. Still, he lives an independent life as a ride share driver. And shares his morning routine with the camera crew.
His life changed for the better when he discovered wheelchair rugby. He competed with the U.S. team and has traveled the world. He’s especially fond of Brazil. And has had several relationships with younger Brazilian women. But now he’s certain his search is over. He’s in love with Ingrid, a single mom. He prepares to go to Brazil and meet her. Hoping that she will be the one. While Ingrid knows he’s in a wheelchair, she doesn’t know everything about the circumstances that led to it. Till next time!
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